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Asia Christian Schools Conference Honor Orchestra

My long journey with violin first started several years ago. I can still clearly remember the first day of my violin lesson. As a student who was on his first day, learning how to hold the violin bow and read sheet music approached as a tremendous challenge. However, due to my eagerness to catch up with other students who were skillfully playing their violins, the more pressurized and intimidated I felt. These feelings soon bothered me from focusing every time I tried to play the violin, and therefore made me take a longer time to read notes right on the spot.


However, ever since I joined the Asia Christian Schools Conference Honor Orchestra, I had to constantly face this weakness and play pieces right on the spot, in situations when I was required to play with such short notice and without enough time for prior practice. During that time, this condition came up as a huge burden. But when I reflect back on it now, I believe that this process has really helped me to become a more resilient, versatile, and all-rounder musician. It was not only the techniques and skills that I've learned throughout this experience. I also earned the confidence and know-hows to give a good performance even in the middle of situations that were not ideal, or expected beforehand.


Moreover, through practicing every week with the section members and having experiences of performing on stage, I learned how to cooperate harmoniously and establish good teamwork. Thus it gave me a great motivation and courage to increase my passion for violin and volunteer for other ensembles, as well.

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