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CrowdWorks Korea

For my entire life, I always thought that programming artificial intelligence would be challenging, as I didn't exactly know what it was about and what people do with it. At first, my presumption turned out to be correct, because even after learning the exact meaning and methods behind it, everything still felt very complicated, and required much of my concentration and understanding.


Amongst them, dealing with C programming was especially the trickiest. However,

programming writing in C was merely the beginning stage, as it had to be run through a C compiler to convert into an executable that a computer can run. Python was similar too, because the more sophisticated and developed the codes were, the more variations I had to put in order to make them smoothly work in a personalized way.


However, it was not only the hard parts that I faced while training for the license. There were also many enjoyable parts as well. I specifically enjoyed the visualizing part of programming the most. The moment when I demonstrated hands-free on the python turtle graphics after completing all the formation of codes and designs, gave me a strong feeling of accomplishment to further develop my codes. Although I had to trace back several times whenever my changes were not fully reflected on the monitor, this provoked my enthusiasm because it was an extremely nerve-wracking process before I get to see the final results of all my hard work.


Undergoing all these processes, I was finally able to get the Artificial Intelligence Data 2nd Degree Expert License awarded by Korea Artificial Intelligence Association. Nowadays, I am also working as a Data Collector and a Labelist, too. Nevertheless, I am still looking forward to further improving my skills in programming and coding, since I want to prepare and differentiate myself for the fourth industrial revolution in the future.

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